NTPC Family

22-05-2023 | read

On 20th May, 2023, Aparajita Mahila Samaj (AMS)- the Ladies Club of Meja Urja Nigam in association with Aarogyam Hospital, Meja organized a medical check-up and medicine distribution camp for the household workers and domestic maids of Srijan Vihar township. During the programme organized at Aarogyam Hospital, weight, blood pressure, blood tests such as RBS/FBS and Hb were tested and measured and managed accordingly for treating common ailments depending upon the individual complaints. A total of 26 beneficiaries were examined during the camp and free medicines were also distributed to them through the  Hospital.

Chief Guest Dr. Chinmoyee Das , President (Aparajita Mahila Samaj) graced the event and expressed her gratitude towards the hospital staff, volunteers of AMS and the house-maids for their participation. She reiterated the commitment of the Ladies Club to organize programmes dedicated towards building a healthy society and Nation.

The participants were further educated on matters regarding personal hygiene, self-care through maintaining appropriate hydration during the summer, harmful effects of tobacco consumption, etc. Vice Presidents and other office bearers of AMS as well as doctors and other members of the hospital staff were also present on this occasion.